Honeyrun Farm

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Just another Marathon Sunday... Powered by Honeyrun

-posted by Jayne

This past Sunday, Isaac competed in the Columbus marathon.  Another early morning for the Barnes Family.  This is the first time I attempted to take all 3 kids to watch one of Isaac's marathons, and I can say it wouldn't have been very successful without the help of my sister-in-law Becky, and friends Kristen and Shannon to assist me.  Trekking through the crowds (18,000 runners, and all their fans) with three young children at 6:30 a.m. is not exactly an easy task.  

One of our "jobs" while Isaac is running is to meet him somewhere around mile 13 to give him a 'shot' of honey.  It provides a nice little energy boost to help him through the rest of the marathon.  Since I had Bridger strapped to my chest, Kristen had the important duty of holding and delivering the honey.
 "Here he comes!  Hold out the honey, Kristen!"
   The funny thing is, Isaac was so distracted, talking to the runner next to him, he completely missed us.  Luckily Kristen chased him down and he was able to get his shot of honey.

Here is Isaac around mile 26.  
And because these pictures are a little blurry (taken with my iphone), I had to go out to our clothesline tonight to get a shot of his marathon jersey.  Yes, that's right, he's sponsored by Honeyrun Farm!!

Yes, sometimes I leave my laundry hanging out overnight.

Isaac finished with a time of 2:42:59.  30th place out of 5477 marathoners.  Not bad for an aging beekeeper.  
Summer honey... the choice of elite marathon runners!