Honeyrun Farm

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Sweet Reminiscence

-Posted by Isaac

Some of you laughed at that last post. Some of you did not.

And many of you were just plain confused. (Not my intent at all. That post was meant to offend, not confuse.)

Kidding. Kidding. But rest assured, I have been asked to dial it back a bit. Sorry about the spoofing.    

Anyway, some of you thought, 'What is this?' Semi trucks? Forklifts? Feeding America? Isn't this supposed to be about beekeeping? Or at the very least about Honeyrun Farm? Nope, not always. Sometimes, especially this time of year, I like to think about the industry of beekeeping. The commercial way- the way most of the hives in this country are kept-- migratory. Maybe you've heard that honey bees are directly responsible for about one third of everything you eat. To make this impossible feat a reality, there are some logistics to overcome. It's a little more involved than keeping a few boxes in the backyard.

Over a million hives are headed to California right now. This is because the year's first great monoculture bloom is about to commence. The almonds!  Back in 2006 I got to be a part of it. And now I sometimes like to reminisce.

So... to hopefully clear up some of that confusion, hit the link below and let's go play in the big leagues:

The Super Bowl of Beekeeping