Honeyrun Farm

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-Posted by Isaac

Well, reading through Jayne's last post got me all fired up about Bayer.


The Bayer chemical company, tirelessly promoting pollinator health.

Heil Honeybee!

As she hinted, it's ironic that about the only thing we found concerning bees (among all that lovely agriculture propaganda) came from the very company doing the most to kill them.

I get asked occasionally, what ever became of my bee kill controversy and that whole neonic hubbub?

The controversy continues. Yes, I have put down the megaphone for a while, but the neonic war rages on. I still stand by my original view. The outlandish notion that an insecticide is harmful to insects. Even (gasp) non target insects.
No amount of "bee care" and pollinator health propaganda will negate the fact that Bayer kills a lot of insects.

Coincidentally my vexation with Bayer happened about the same time a friend and blog follower sent us this little report from NPR.

Here's the corresponding article if you care to read.

Enough of that, lets change directions.
Time to head to the beach.

Last week our family took a fun little trip to the Outer Banks.
And we actually did a decent job of documenting our fun. 

So we'll share some pics with you.

No, it wasn't all fun. Ten hour car rides with little kids can be... well, you know...

And children never seem to reap the same enjoyment from dining out, sampling the local palate.

This place bores me.

Nor do they find the local history quite as interesting or as educational as you do.

But when you set them free on the surf, there's nothing so beautiful as watching a kid race the waves.

Little Snoop had a ball.

"Gonna kick a little something for the G's."

"And make a few friends as I breeze through."

Speaking of breezing through, the wind and sun were constant. We learned why the Outer Banks were such a great spot for testing the first flying machines. Warm winds create big fat fluffy dunes for soft landings.

Wide open spaces, world's biggest sandbox.

It was off to the races.


And when we tired of sand, there was mini golf to keep the old skills sharp.

It was a wonderful five days. A nice little respite before the Christmas rush.