Honeyrun Farm

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Wonders of Fall on the Honey Farm

-posted by Jayne

Wonders of fall, while growing up on a honey farm:

The wooly worm wiggling through the leaves

Osage Orange "Balls" -perfect for gathering, throwing in the stream,
and keeping the spiders away (as the old wives' tale goes)

"Look, they're everywhere!!  Where do they come from?"
"Look, up, Maizy... where do you think?"

Endless trips to the bridge to throw the Osage Orange overboard
"Look, mine's floating!"

Fall sun in the sandbox.

Learning to build bee boxes with daddy.

Mason gracefully took his turn and learned how
 important it is to keep the fingers away.  Ouch!

Uncle Perry installs a new slate floor in the mud-room addition.

100 year old kitchen floors...

... become new floors out of reclaimed 100 year old
oak barn wood.

A first place prize for art work in the pre-school section
at the Pumpkin Show!

The sun on the honeysticks at market.
The re-growth of buckwheat after the first harvest went
to seed and was tilled under for cover crop.  Sorry, bees,
it will likely not bloom before the frost.

This is just a little glimpse in to our lives these past few busy weeks at Honeyrun Farm.  We will give you more details on our projects soon...  including our kitchen remodel, some new projects planned for late Fall and the upcoming gift-giving season, and last but not least.... Buckwheat Honey!   We will have it at market next weekend!  One more outdoor Worthington market until we head indoors to the Shops at Worthington Mall for the Winter Market.  Enjoy those crisp Fall days ahead.