Honeyrun Farm

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Honey is for Lovers

-Posted by Isaac

Happy Valentines! 
Is honey a good Valentine's gift? Whole Foods in Dublin thinks so. Check out this new end display featuring Honeyrun honey and Paromi Tea.

Just in time for you Columbus lovers.
I grabbed some tea for Jayne ("...fragrant and flavorful, perfectly balanced to indulge your senses."), and some French made organic chocolate truffles. Aren't we spoiled?
The kids don't like the truffles, so they tend to stay around longer.

Good choice, Maizy, good choice.
 We've been feasting on chocolates and home made bread this week. Wonderful meals made by Jayne and date nights in Columbus. I used to think Valentines Day was kind of dumb, but my opinion changed after getting married. It has become an entire Valentines week in which we get a few breaks from the kids (thanks to Grandma) and spoil ourselves silly.
Speaking of kids, Mason, Maizy and Bridger busied themselves with Valentines fun.

Mason's fire engine card box
 Mommy was the parent in charge of Mason's big pre-school Valentines party.
And lucky Maizy gets to go along for the fun and games.
And treats.
Oh, boy...

The party is this morning. I'm watching Bridger while Jayne and the kids get sugared up.

Mason, you heart throb... are you sure it's big enough?
And I can smell that he's left me a little Valentines gift in his diaper.
Better get to it.