Honeyrun Farm

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Summer Lovin'...

...happened so fast....

Over the past few weeks I haven't been able to get that song out of my head.  I can't believe Summer is closing in on us.  In previous years, the start of school didn't really affect me since my kids were too young, but this year our oldest son Mason is heading off to a half-day pre-school.  AND he gets to ride the school bus.  (which he is thrilled about).  So we have just a few more days of Summer and then I adjust to my baby leaving the nest every day.  Here are just a few snapshots that capture our last few weeks at Honeyrun Farm.

A visit to the Old Mill Velvet Ice Cream in Utica, OH.

Feeding corn husks to the horses and cows at Grandma and Grandpas.

Sweet corn!  Our favorite summer treat.

Bridger likes it fresh... no cooking required.

Isaac shows off his latest honey crop.

That's some heavy honey.

Isaac says the hives are "caked out" (full of honey).

"I want a peach!  Daddy, give me a peach!"

Isaac shows Mason and Maizy the wonder of a wax moth larvae.  "Can I put it in the fire, daddy?"  
Lucky for us, the bees know nothing about school starting, and they keep bringing in that sweet summer honey.

-posted by Jayne